Waist Training/trimming – FIT OR FAD

Now, we see this all over the internet..Celebrities from Fitness trainers to the Kardashians.

What i would like to know is, Have any of you tried it or wanted to try it… For those of you wanting to Click Here

Now for those of you that have tried it…How did it go? (comments are welcomed in the comment section below)

I am 11 weeks out from having a baby and it seem there is a lot of work involved with getting back into shape, and half the time, doing 5 loads of washing a day (i have 3 boys under 6 in total) doesn’t give me enough time to work out let alone sleep, so in theory, have something attached to me doing all the work seems like a great idea..yes?

Although, i do see how it would aid in getting the stomach muscles back into where they should be after having a baby grow and stretch out that particular area. So potentially i think the marketing on having this product linked to “Post Baby Tummy Sucking In Gizmo” might be better, understandably there will be lots of women who haven’t had children who would like this product, so I’m not singling anyone out, i just know from experience that the more darling children you have the harder it is for everything to go back to its usual state.

A product review mat be on the cards, so watch this space and i will follow up on this entry with a picture/video post…Let me know if this would help you in the research area if you are on the fence about the waist trainer.

Is it worth the Hype? Possible…check it out Here for your viewing pleasure. And as you will see in the description box below on this link there are some expensive version out there and there was a fair amount of Gym time still being had with the waist trainer being on for 6-8 Hours a day!!!…….6-8 Hours…..Is it just me or does that seem like a lot?

And for your reading pleasure this article demonstrates the in’s and out’s of a waist trainer, with some celeb’s thrown in, with a touch of history.

All in all i think its up to personal preference and once again Here is a not so expensive alternative.


Happy Training xx